Hello my name is Selamet Adhi Prasetyo, i am 18th years old, and i am from indonesian. i suport the sos4love progam because this progam is verry interesting, i think with me join the progam i can improve my skill and my knowledge about the space and maybe i will more understanding about what is love in live. the sos4love is sub progam from SDG, SDG have an 17th point, will you want to know what anything about the this 17th point you can visit the sdg page on facebook,instragam,or twitter. in 17th point of sdg i am interested with the point number 5 this is about "equality gender" i think with this point we can make more space to live because some limit can deleted with this point, the limit this work only can do by man or women only because old man opinion can be deleted. man and women will be get same position, nothing else is superior, all is same and nothing can be enslave an other, the world maybe can get the balance and the word will full with love then the word will look more beautifull from space
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